Charlotte'russe M-litter
born 14.7.2009

FI Ch SMM-04 Charlotte'russe Glenn Miller / Mavra Iz Razdolia
For pedigree with pictures scroll down to bottom of page

The puppies 6 and 1/2 weeks
© Lotta Järvinen

A young Malcolm


Brindle white - Bitch

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks

Dark brindle - Bitch

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks



Red and white - Male

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks



Red and white - Male

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks



Dark red and white - Male

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks



Red - Male
"Marco Polo"

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks


Red - Male

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks


Red - Male

6,5 weeks

 6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks




Brindle - Male

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks

6,5 weeks



Back to 
M-litters parents page
Pups 1 day
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 and a half weeks old
5 and a half weeks old
7 and 1/2 weeks
Fun pictures
Funny heads


Inbreeding 0,05 %
(Nadir v Triumfus Dyonisos found once behind both Marra and Glenn Miller in their 5th generation)

Pedigree M-litter












FI Ch SMM-04
Charlotte'russe Glenn Miller





FI & EE Ch
Zchatsaj's Efim

FI & S Ch
Ardagan's Yondalar

CIB & D & LUX & VDH Ch Coursing Ch
Ardagan's Warlock

Flavia de Tschesskaja

S Ch
Zchatsaj's Chegorowa

Timirinja's Birik Czarinjin

Polongain Pamjatka





CIB & FI & Dk & LT Ch KBHV-04
Lure Coursing Ch
Charlotte'russe Esmeralda

Margiitan Bolshoj Baccanal

Dk Ch BJGSG Zarina's Diavolo

Margiitan Ödelia Özbaazia

CIB & FI & S & EE Ch
Margiitan Huhtikuunhuumaa

CIB & FI Ch W-91
Margiitan Yks Yrjö Yrjänä

Margiitan April














Mavra Iz Razdolia







RU & BY & UA Ch FT-Hare
Cherny Monarch Iz Razdolia

Gilay Rusich

Klingsor's Gazhi


CIB & Ru & UA Ch










RU CH FT-Hare & -Fox
Leicro's Russian Zolka Zara


Leicro's Russian Zwartkopf

Wassilow v Triumfus Dyonisos

S Ch
Leicro's Russian Zoja

Leicro's Russian Zolka Zatre

DK & S Ch
Leicro's Russian Ztorm Eagle

S Ch
Sholwood Shot Silk

Inbreeding 0,05 %
(Nadir v Triumfus Dyonisos found once behind both Marra and Glenn Miller in their 5th generation)